Saarni CXP - Tuloksellisempaa liiketoimintaa asiakasanalytiikalla

Aiming for more satisfied and loyal customers and, of course, more sales and profitability for your business? Your first step should be customer analytics.

These market leaders use Kiva Work

TOP 7 most popular use cases

Miten Saarni CXP toimii?

Identify the most potential opportunities for growth and sales, as well as the areas where your customers are dissatisfied.

Saarni CXP is an easy-to-use digital customer survey platform with fully automated in depth analytics that takes all of your guess working away!

Create automated survey paths for your entire customer base or even based on individual customers, service areas or branches. With survey paths, you can create surveys for the whole year at once and split the surveys into desired time periods, such as: Q1 survey, Q2 survey and so on.

Räätälöi hetkessä kyselyt koko asiakaskannalle tai kohdennetusti tietyille asiakasryhmille. Voit räätälöidä Saarni CXP kyselyiden sisällön täysin toivedesi mukaisesti. Lisäksi markkinoiden suurin kysymyspankkimme auttaa sinua kyselyiden laatimisessa.

Saarni CXP -kyselyt voidaan liittää osaksi eri automaatioprosesseja, kuten sähköposteihin ja tilausvahvistuksiin. Linkitettävät kyselyt voidaan kiinnittää eri toimipisteisiin tai palvelualueisiin, jolloin tulokset saadaan segmentoitua tarkasti.

By attaching a customer survey to your customer or purchase journey, you get useful information for business development.

By building surveys based on key objectives to improve your business activities such as supply chain, sales or product development, you can quickly gather actionable information in a customer-oriented way and identify the most potential areas for improvement.

You'll gain vital insights into how your customers experience the different stages of their journey with you, from signing the deal to service delivery and customer retention.

All of your surveys can be customised to reflect your brand.

Saarni CXP:n avulla luot NPS-kyselyn alle 30 sekunnissa ja saat tulokset reaaliaikaisesti.

Saarni CXP -kyselyt voidaan lähettää monikanavaisesti.

Available delivery channels: SMS, email, linked survey (as part of e.g. automated emails), via open links (can be shared on e.g. LinkedIn) and QR code.

Increase sales with existing customers

Saarni CXP avulla segmentoit ja seuraat asiakkaiden kokemuksia elinkaaren eri vaiheissa. Tunnista suoraan potentiaalisimmat Directly identify the highest potential opportunities for add-on and cross-selling by industry, service or customer.

Personalise the customer experience through surveys and align add-on and cross-selling to be part of your growth strategy.

Don't miss out opportunities for additional sales, instead increase your overall sales by leveraging the power of customer surveys. With the right strategy and our tools, you'll gain a deeper understanding of your customers' current situation, needs and pain points.

See on a customer-by-customer basis how each customer perceives the different topics measured. Fill your sales potential and see all customers who are green for additional sales!

You can filter customers based on different statuses such as negative,, neutral and satisfied.You can filter customers across the organisation, based on branches, locations, customer segments and even based on customer manager portfolios.

This allows you, for example, to filter all customers across your organisation, for example show all customers that are in red and the topic is service quality.

Or show all customers that are green and the topic is additional sales.

Quality control and development of account managers

See how different account managers' client portfolios are doing and how satisfied clients are. See which customers are shining and which ones are in high chance to leave.

Saarni CXP avulla varmistat, että yrityksesi tarjoamat tuotteet ja palvelut täyttävät strategianne mukaiset vaatimukset, kun saat selvän näkymän asiakasedustajistanne ja heidän asiakasportfolionsa tilanteesta, aina asiakaskohtaisesti.

This way you can ensure that your customer service staff have the skills and knowledge to provide high quality customer service and solve problems effectively.

Näe jokaisen asiakkuuspäällikön ylläpidettävänä olevan yksittäisen asiakkaan tyytyväisyys ja kokemus.

You can view the status of your account managers' customers by all account managers or, conversely, only those account managers who are in specific offices or customer segments.

You can give selected viewing and action rights to account managers, so they can also see the status of their own customer portfolio and quickly address challenges and take better advantage of additional sales opportunities.

Preventing customer churn and extending the life cycle

By automating customer surveys at different stages of the customer lifecycle, you can automatically gain actionable insights to guide your operations at the business, service area, team or account manager level.

Identify the customers your organisation should be in contact with first and improve customer satisfaction.

Customer lifecycle analytics builds a lifecycle report of the customer, one survey at a time, describing the customer's development and experience throughout the customer lifecycle.

This shows whether the customer and the customer relationship is getting better or worse and how long the customer has been in the current state. This helps to react quickly to developments and problems and to reduce customer turnover.

Each customer is colour-coded for each topic that you're measuring.

This allows you to filter customers according to different statuses such negative,, neutral and satisfied.You can filter customers across the organisation, based on branches, locations, customer segments and even based on customer manager portfolios.

This allows you, for example, to filter all customers across your organisation, for example show all customers that are in red and the topic is service quality.

Or show all customers that are green and the topic is additional sales.

Set alerts automatically based on answer rates to fix and improve your operations proactively and in real time.

By attaching a customer survey to your customer or purchase journey, you get useful information for business development.

By building surveys based on key objectives to improve your business activities such as supply chain, sales or product development, you can quickly gather actionable information in a customer-oriented way and identify the most potential areas for improvement.

You'll gain vital insights into how your customers experience the different stages of their journey with you, from signing the deal to service delivery and customer retention.

Developing business functions

By conducting regular customer surveys on your company's operations, at different stages of the customer journey, you can gain valuable insight into how your customers experience doing business with you at different stages.

By building surveys based on key objectives to improve your business activities such as supply chain, sales or product development, you can quickly gather actionable information in a customer-oriented way and identify the most potential areas for improvement.

You'll gain vital insights into how your customers experience the different stages of their journey with you, from signing the deal to service delivery and customer retention.

Get analytics that matters - see analytics based on customers in location X, customers in service area Y, customers using product Z or customers managed by account manager O.

This enables deep customer insight and data-driven business development in the right areas.

Understanding the customer experience

Understand the customer experience based on different business service offerings, branches or stores, locations and based on account managers.

Get all of your customer data into a one place and make it available for all decision-makers to see and use effectively. Create a holistic understanding of your customer journey and link the data together with comprehensive analytics and feedback to improve the customer experience.

Understand the link between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction

See how employee engagement, experience and well-being affect the customer experience.

Understand the critical factors for productivity, performance and sustainability. By identifying drivers of dissatisfaction or potential turnover, you can take proactive and targeted action to address problems.

Näe tekemisesi vaikuttavuus reaaliajassa.

Mikäli käytät Saarni EXP ja Saarni CXP ratkaisua yhdessä, saat oman analytiikkanäkymän siitä miten asiakaskokemus kehittyy suhteessa henkilöstön tyytyväisydeen kehittymiseen, luoden selkeästi ymmärrettävän näkymän miten nämä kaksi osa-aluetta ovat kytköksissä toisiinsa.

Mikäli käytät Saarni EXP ja Saarni CXP ratkaisua yhdessä, voit ristiinajaa tietoa vaivattomasti kaikkien mittatujen aihealueiden kesken, lokaatioiden tai toimipisteiden välillä sekä tiimeittäin ja managereittain.

Voit esimerkiksi ristiinajaa tietoa siitä, miten uusi kannustinmalli toimipisteessä X on vaikuttanut asiakaskokemukseen kyseisessä toimipisteessä.

Fully automated

You can automate all of your surveys, reporting and get results in real time.

Scalable analytics

You can get data from any level of the organization, including different business units, customer segments, branches, stores and account managers.

Linkable surveys

Link the open surveys to the business units or customer segments. This allows you to automate the delivery of surveys, even via mass emails, and target results to right segments.

Market leading question bank

Voit käyttää Saarni CXP:n kysymyspankkia, josta löytyy valmiita kyselyitä aina asiakaskokemuksesta lisämyynnin kartoittamiseen, tai räätälöi omasi!

Ready to use in 1 day

Ready to use in 1 day with ready-to-use integrations and connectors to the most popular CRM and ERP systems.

Multilingual surveys

Kansainvälisyys näkyy myös asiakaskyselyissä. Saarni CXP:n avulla voit lähettää kyselyitä tarvitsemillasi kielillä vaikka asiakaskohtaisesti.

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