Employee analytics and surveys for people and business growth

Saarni EXP on helppokäyttöinen digitaalinen henkilöstökyselyalusta, jonka täysin automatisoitu analytiikka ei jätä arvailujen varaan!

These market leaders use Kiva Work

Miten Saarni EXP toimii?

Ready to use in 1 day

1. Create survey

Luo automaatio, kustom, pulssi- tai 360-kysely joko täysin räätälöidysti tai käytä markkinoiden suurinta kysymyskirjastoa ja valmiita kyselymalleja. Lähetä kysely monikanavaisesti ja tarvittaessa monikielisesti.

2. Access Real-Time Results

You'll get results pre-processed with actionable recommendations. Reporting to chosen individuals is automated.

3. Review results & develop

Now that you know how to develop the required areas, you can start implementing data-driven development measures and automatically monitor their impact.

Saarni EXP suosituimmat ominaisuudet

Scalable analytics

Data can be sourced from all levels of your organization, including countries, departments, teams, managers, and individual employees.
Our analytics scale to meet your requirements.

Employee level analytics & HR Desk

Saarni EXP luo jokaisesta työntekijästä anonyymin profiiliraportin ja elinkaaren. Saarni EXP:n HR Deskin avulla voit ottaa yhteyttä ja keskustella työntekijän kanssa täysin anonyymisti.

Automated and shared reporting

Voit hyödyntää Saarni EXP:n automatisoituja raportteja tai luoda täysin omasi raportointityökalulla.


Development map

Saarni EXP analysoi automaattisesti tulokset selkeän kartan avulla ja positioi aihealueet: tutki tilannetta, seuraa tilannetta ja juhli onnistumisia -kategorioihin.

AI-backed text analysis

Saarni EXP analysoi ja visualisoi anonyymin palautteen automatisoidusti tekoälyä hyödyntäen selkeisiin kategorioihin aina tiimitasolle asti.

Automated survey path

You can create automated survey paths that cover the entire organization or even just a specific team. This feature allows you to build surveys for a longer period of time at once, ensuring more continuous monitoring.

Multi-channel & multilingual

Utilize our multi-channel approach when sending surveys via Teams, Slack, SMS, sharable links or email. Surveys can also be conducted in multiple languages.

Market leading question bank

Select from hundreds of of ready-made questions and packages developed with HR organizations for various purposes, or create your own.

Connect to your HR system

We seamlessly integrate with popular HR systems like Sympa, Workday, Visma Public, SAP SuccessFactors, Nepton, Likeit, and Mepco.


Manager views

Versatile access rights, alerts, and automations ensure shared responsibilities, minimizing manual work within your organization.

Connect financial metrics

Merge financial metrics and employee analytics for deeper insights into how workplace well-being and satisfaction affect profitability.

Performance tracking & benchmarking

Compare development across locations, teams, and supervisors, easily tracking progress on key topics.

Task management

Saarni EXP:n tehtävienhallinnan avulla viet henkilöstökyselyiden tulokset konkreettisiksi käytännön toimenpiteiksi, yhdessä esihenkilöiden ja johdon kanssa. Voit luoda ja jakaa tehtäviä esihenkilöille sekä tiimeille ja seurata näiden edistymistä tavoitteiden mukaisesti.

We'll ensure your success!

Dedicated customer success manager

Your dedicated customer manager will assist in building each survey, review the results with you, and help guide development forward.

Ready to use concepts

A ready-made operating model ensures you can turn guiding data into concrete action and value.

Annual plan

An annual survey and analytics plan align survey paths with organizational goals or address key challenges.

Interested in learning more about our solution?

Guide for constructive conversations
download for free! Currently available in Finnish only.

Explore our comprehensive and practical guide on leveraging the results of the employee survey in your company. 

In the guide, we provide detailed explanations on aspects such as interpreting the results, translating them into concrete development measures, and reporting on the progress of these measures.

Download yours for free now!