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Paranna työntekijäkokemusta Saarni EXP:llä – mittaa, analysoi, osallista ja kehitä henkilöstöäsi yhden kokonaisvaltaisen ratkaisun avulla.

Saarni EXP
Saarni EXP (Employee Experience Platform) on kokonaisvaltainen työntekijäkokemusalusta, joka tarjoaa mahdollisuudet koko työntekijäkokemuksen elinkaaren kehittämiseen.
Saarni CXP
Saarni CXP (Customer Experience Platform) on kokonaisvaltainen asiakaskokemusalusta, joka tarjoaa mahdollisuudet koko asiakaskokemuksen elinkaaren kehittämiseen.

Yli 150 työelämän edelläkävijää luottaa palveluihimme
Tutustu asiakastarinoihimme >
Asiakkaidemme arviot meistä – Saarni EXP:n asiakastyytyväisyyskyselyn tulokset.

”Olemme voineet itse räätälöidä kyselyt yhdessä esihenkilöiden kanssa tarkemmin suoraan tiimitasolle ja tällä tavoin saamme arvokasta tietoa esihenkilölle….
Kokonaisvaltainen työntekijäkokemusjärjestelmä
Kokonaisvaltaisen digitaalisen alustamme avulla autamme yrityksiä ymmärtämään, osallistamaan ja kehittämään työntekijäkokemusta.
Meidät erottaa muista se, että alustamme ja toimintamallimme tukevat yrityksiä koko elinkaariprosessin ajan – kyselyiden toteuttamisesta kehitystoimenpiteiden toimeenpanoon ja niiden vaikutusten mittaamiseen.

Yli 150 työelämän edelläkävijää luottavat meihin
Tutustu asiakkaidemme menestystarinoihin kokemuksen mittaamisessa ja datalla johtamisessa

Miksi johtavat tiimit valitsevat Saarni Experiencen

”Saarni EXP on tarjonnut meille aivan uudenlaisen tavan tehdä henkilöstökyselyjä.
Olemme voineet itse räätälöidä kyselyt yhdessä esihenkilöiden kanssa tarkemmin suoraan tiimitasolle ja tällä tavoin saamme arvokasta tietoa esihenkilölle.
Myös sovittujen kehityskohteiden seuranta on helpompaa, kun voi uudistaa kyselyn vaikka vain osittain ja katsoa miten tilanne on kehittynyt.
Alustan käyttö on helppoa ja tulokset ovat heti käytettävissä kyselyn päättymisen jälkeen.”


Olemme yhdessä henkilöstömme kanssa tunnistaneet coxalaisuuden tunnusomaiset piirteet ja toimintatavat. Opas coxalaisuuteen kertoo meistä ja tavoistamme toimia. Tämän työn valmistuttua halusimme uudistaa myös henkilöstömittauksemme. Haluamme kerätä säännöllisesti kokemuksia ja palautetta siitä, miten onnistumme toteuttamaan coxalaisia toimintatapoja yksilöinä ja työyhteisönä.
Saarni EXP on ollut meille erittäin hyödyllinen työkalu ja erittäin laadukas asiakaspalvelu on helpottanut esihenkilöitämme uudistamaan mittaustulosten käsittelyä. Saarni EXP:n avulla olemme pystyneet keräämään arvokasta ja laadukasta palautetta henkilöstöltämme. Tulosten analysointi on ollut helppoa ja olemme saaneet monipuolista tietoa siitä, mikä meillä on hyvin ja mitä voimme vielä parantaa.

Saarni EXP tarjoaa erinomaisen palvelukonseptin organisaation toiminnan kokonaisvaltaiseen kehittämiseen. Saarni EXP:n henkilöstö- ja asiakaskokemuksen mittaamiseen räätälöitävä arviointityökalu sekä heidän tarjoama laadukas ja joustava palvelu tuovat lisäarvoa oman toiminnan arviointiin ja kehittämiseen.


Saarni EXP on tarjonnut meille joustavan työkalun henkilöstökyselyjen tekoon. Olemme saaneet räätälöityä kyselyt juuri meidän tarpeisiimme. Seuraamme esimerkiksi vuosittain erillisellä kyselyllä miten meille tärkeät arvot toteutuvat henkilöstömme mielestä.
Työntekijät ovat kokeneet kyselyihin vastaamisen helppona ja kysely saavuttaa erinomaisesti.
Saarni EXP:n työntekijät ovat huippuja. Mikään asia ei ole liian vaikea tai mahdoton ja koen että ideoistani ja ajatuksistani saadaan hyvin kiinni. Kyselyjen tuloksia on ollut antoisaa pallotella Jaakon kanssa. Nämä keskustelut antavat aina uutta näkökulmaa.
Koe ja näe Saarni EXP toiminnassa
Näytämme mielellämme, kuinka Saarni EXP voi tukea organisaationne kehittämistä. Ota yhteyttä ja varaa henkilökohtainen demo.

Usein kysytyt kysymykset
- Most popular
- Analytics
- Access rights
- Surveys
- Integrations
- Setup
- Data processing
- Pricing
- Scalability
- Support
Are the analytics and reports updated in real-time?
All of our analytics store the answers in real-time, meaning that you can see in real-time how people are responding to your surveys.
Each analytics section in our platform works on a real-time basis.
Is it possible to customize the survey content?
You can fully customize the content of the surveys, which enables you to:
- Create fully custom questions with a variety of question types with multiple languages
- Use follow-up questions
- Customize the survey interface to match your brand image
- Customize all introduction texts
- Customize delivery messages across all channels
Alternatively, you can also use and modify our market-leading question library and pre-made survey templates
What channels are available for survey delivery?
We provide the following delivery channels:
- Teams
- Slack
- QR-Code
- Sharable link
- Link list
- Embedded surveys (intranet, time and attendance software’s etc)
Where is the data stored?
How do managers interact with and use the system?
Depending on their rights, managers can, for example:
- View results
- Create surveys
- Create questions and templates
- Send reminders
- Create and participate in goals and tasks
- Create and share reports
- Create automations
- Receive triggers
- Use HR Desk
- Add, update, and delete users
And much more!
How does the integration with our HR system work?
Integrations can be customized based on your setup.
Typically, integration setup takes 1-5 days (depending on the scope and desired functionalities). With our ready integrations, the setup takes 1-2 days. The process is usually the same:
1. Integration planning meeting
a. Integration document
b. Ticket creation
2. End-point configuration
3. Integration building
4. Testing and review
5. Deployment and going live
Typically, the goals of the integration are the following:
1. Import and update employee data
2. Import and update company hierarchy data
3. Import background data such as gender, employment duration, or other relevant data for analytics and correlation reports
4. Connect to other platforms to embed surveys
5. Connect to other platforms to automate and show specific surveys at a specific time within the chosen platform
6. Create one universal survey link that can be shared on the intranet, which retrieves employee data and identifies the responder for data segmentation
7. Export data to data lake
What does the multichannel functionality mean?
For example, you might have 150 employees working in the field, and for them, the best way to deliver a survey might be through the SMS channel. For the other 150 employees working in the office, the optimal channel might be Microsoft Teams, Slack, or email.
We provide the following delivery channels:
- Teams
- Slack
- QR-Code
- Sharable link
- Link list
- Embedded surveys (intranet, time and attendance software’s etc)
What is the system’s maintenance and update policy?
Our strong maintenance and update policy ensures that our service remains reliable, secure, and up-to-date over time.
We are constantly improving and updating our products with the following:
1. Regular Updates Schedule
2. Security Updates
3. Compatibility Updates
4. User Feedback and Testing
5. Continuous Improvement
6. Legal and Compliance Considerations
We always provide advance notice before any scheduled maintenance or new feature deployments. In addition, we aim to schedule maintenance and feature deployments during late hours or over the weekend.
What types of user support are available?
1. Dedicated customer success manager
2. Kick-off and training meetings hosted by your dedicated customer success manager
a. Planning meeting
b. Implementation meeting
3. Training videos and recordings
4. Comprehensive written training material library
5. Quarterly meetings with your dedicated customer success manager
6. Annual customer plan that aligns your usage of our platform with your goals
7. Public events and training webinars
8. Manager training portal inside Saarni EXP platfrom (COMING SOON)
9. Extensive partner network for consultation services
You can also always contact us directly at for any matter!
Is the system customizable or configurable to meet the organization’s specific needs?
- Company hierarchy
- Management levels and roles
- Access and view rights
- Manager and subordinate connections
- Languages
- Survey interface
- Survey delivery
- Automations
- Reporting
- Triggers
- Colors and visuals
- Integrations
And much more!
How does the system support multilingual functionality?
- Our platform interface is available in: English, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, and German. New languages can be activated based on your needs as well.
- Our surveys have no language limitations, meaning all survey questions can be easily translated into any language, and results can be reviewed in your chosen language.
- Survey delivery can be multilingual, based on each individual employee’s settings. Each employee has a survey delivery language setting, and the survey will be delivered in that language accordingly.
How does the system ensure compliance with data privacy and security requirements?
Our group company that we’re also part of (Saarni Cloud) operates in accordance with the international ISO 27001 standard for information security management. The standard includes, among other things, a risk management policy and general information security practices. These help us assess the state of our information security, manage the overall security framework, and act systematically.
For more information contact us:
Ross Lantea | CEO
Vesa Kivisto | CISO
Is the system scalable to accommodate the organization’s growth?
Saarni EXP scales to any stage of your organization’s growth. Our analytics and the entire platform are fully scalable, meaning we can easily build and maintain the desired organizational hierarchy within Saarni EXP. This allows you to gather results from any level of your organization and provides customizable access and view rights at any level within Saarni EXP.
Surveys, analytics, reporting, and access rights all scale based on your organizational hierarchy.
In addition, we also have a marketplace where you can find a wide range of add-on solutions, integrations, and powerful plugins, designed to meet your evolving needs as you expand.
Visit our marketplace >
What training and support services are provided during the system’s implementation and usage?
1. Dedicated customer success manager
2. Kick-off and training meetings hosted by your dedicated customer success manager
a. Planning meeting
b. Implementation meeting
3. Training videos and recordings
4. Comprehensive written training material library
5. Quarterly meetings with your dedicated customer success manager
6. Annual customer plan that aligns your usage of our platform with your goals
7. Public events and training webinars
8. Manager training portal inside Saarni EXP platfrom (COMING SOON)
9. Extensive partner network for consultation services
What is the implementation timeline and process for the system?
Onboarding without integrations usually takes 1-2 days, while onboarding with integrations typically takes 2-5 days.
The process is simple and clearly guided by us to ensure a smooth onboarding and training experience:
1. Onboarding starts by completing our onboarding bot (this takes approximately 5-10 minutes).
2. Before the kick-off meeting, your dedicated customer manager will have your panel fully set up.
3. Kick-off and training meeting (1-2 hours).
4. Manager training (if needed).
5. Creating an annual customer plan and aligning the surveys and analytics with your goals and challenges.
6. Creating the first survey and going live!
What are the costs of using Saarni EXP?
See our pricing list here >
Are the analytics and reports updated in real-time?
All of our analytics store the answers in real-time, meaning that you can see in real-time how people are responding to your surveys.
Each analytics section in our platform works on a real-time basis.
How do managers interact with and use the system?
Depending on their rights, managers can, for example:
- View results
- Create surveys
- Create questions and templates
- Send reminders
- Create and participate in goals and tasks
- Create and share reports
- Create automations
- Receive triggers
- Use HR Desk
- Add, update, and delete users
And much more!
Is it possible to customize the survey content?
You can fully customize the content of the surveys, which enables you to:
- Create fully custom questions with a variety of question types with multiple languages
- Use follow-up questions
- Customize the survey interface to match your brand image
- Customize all introduction texts
- Customize delivery messages across all channels
Alternatively, you can also use and modify our market-leading question library and pre-made survey templates
What channels are available for survey delivery?
We provide the following delivery channels:
- Teams
- Slack
- QR-Code
- Sharable link
- Link list
- Embedded surveys (intranet, time and attendance software’s etc)
What does the multichannel functionality mean?
For example, you might have 150 employees working in the field, and for them, the best way to deliver a survey might be through the SMS channel. For the other 150 employees working in the office, the optimal channel might be Microsoft Teams, Slack, or email.
We provide the following delivery channels:
- Teams
- Slack
- QR-Code
- Sharable link
- Link list
- Embedded surveys (intranet, time and attendance software’s etc)
How does the system support multilingual functionality?
- Our platform interface is available in: English, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, and German. New languages can be activated based on your needs as well.
- Our surveys have no language limitations, meaning all survey questions can be easily translated into any language, and results can be reviewed in your chosen language.
- Survey delivery can be multilingual, based on each individual employee’s settings. Each employee has a survey delivery language setting, and the survey will be delivered in that language accordingly.
How does the integration with our HR system work?
Integrations can be customized based on your setup.
Typically, integration setup takes 1-5 days (depending on the scope and desired functionalities). With our ready integrations, the setup takes 1-2 days. The process is usually the same:
1. Integration planning meeting
a. Integration document
b. Ticket creation
2. End-point configuration
3. Integration building
4. Testing and review
5. Deployment and going live
Typically, the goals of the integration are the following:
1. Import and update employee data
2. Import and update company hierarchy data
3. Import background data such as gender, employment duration, or other relevant data for analytics and correlation reports
4. Connect to other platforms to embed surveys
5. Connect to other platforms to automate and show specific surveys at a specific time within the chosen platform
6. Create one universal survey link that can be shared on the intranet, which retrieves employee data and identifies the responder for data segmentation
7. Export data to data lake
What training and support services are provided during the system’s implementation and usage?
1. Dedicated customer success manager
2. Kick-off and training meetings hosted by your dedicated customer success manager
a. Planning meeting
b. Implementation meeting
3. Training videos and recordings
4. Comprehensive written training material library
5. Quarterly meetings with your dedicated customer success manager
6. Annual customer plan that aligns your usage of our platform with your goals
7. Public events and training webinars
8. Manager training portal inside Saarni EXP platfrom (COMING SOON)
9. Extensive partner network for consultation services
What is the implementation timeline and process for the system?
Onboarding without integrations usually takes 1-2 days, while onboarding with integrations typically takes 2-5 days.
The process is simple and clearly guided by us to ensure a smooth onboarding and training experience:
1. Onboarding starts by completing our onboarding bot (this takes approximately 5-10 minutes).
2. Before the kick-off meeting, your dedicated customer manager will have your panel fully set up.
3. Kick-off and training meeting (1-2 hours).
4. Manager training (if needed).
5. Creating an annual customer plan and aligning the surveys and analytics with your goals and challenges.
6. Creating the first survey and going live!
Where is the data stored?
How does the system ensure compliance with data privacy and security requirements?
Our group company that we’re also part of (Saarni Cloud) operates in accordance with the international ISO 27001 standard for information security management. The standard includes, among other things, a risk management policy and general information security practices. These help us assess the state of our information security, manage the overall security framework, and act systematically.
For more information contact us:
Ross Lantea | CEO
Vesa Kivisto | CISO
What are the costs of using Saarni EXP?
See our pricing list here >
Is the system customizable or configurable to meet the organization’s specific needs?
- Company hierarchy
- Management levels and roles
- Access and view rights
- Manager and subordinate connections
- Languages
- Survey interface
- Survey delivery
- Automations
- Reporting
- Triggers
- Colors and visuals
- Integrations
And much more!
Is the system scalable to accommodate the organization’s growth?
Saarni EXP scales to any stage of your organization’s growth. Our analytics and the entire platform are fully scalable, meaning we can easily build and maintain the desired organizational hierarchy within Saarni EXP. This allows you to gather results from any level of your organization and provides customizable access and view rights at any level within Saarni EXP.
Surveys, analytics, reporting, and access rights all scale based on your organizational hierarchy.
In addition, we also have a marketplace where you can find a wide range of add-on solutions, integrations, and powerful plugins, designed to meet your evolving needs as you expand.
Visit our marketplace >
What is the system’s maintenance and update policy?
Our strong maintenance and update policy ensures that our service remains reliable, secure, and up-to-date over time.
We are constantly improving and updating our products with the following:
1. Regular Updates Schedule
2. Security Updates
3. Compatibility Updates
4. User Feedback and Testing
5. Continuous Improvement
6. Legal and Compliance Considerations
We always provide advance notice before any scheduled maintenance or new feature deployments. In addition, we aim to schedule maintenance and feature deployments during late hours or over the weekend.
What types of user support are available?
1. Dedicated customer success manager
2. Kick-off and training meetings hosted by your dedicated customer success manager
a. Planning meeting
b. Implementation meeting
3. Training videos and recordings
4. Comprehensive written training material library
5. Quarterly meetings with your dedicated customer success manager
6. Annual customer plan that aligns your usage of our platform with your goals
7. Public events and training webinars
8. Manager training portal inside Saarni EXP platfrom (COMING SOON)
9. Extensive partner network for consultation services
You can also always contact us directly at for any matter!