Who are we?

Saarni Experience is a Finnish SaaS company specializing in employee and customer analytics, formerly known as Kiva Work. Saarni Experience is part of the Saarni Cloud group, and together our solutions are used by nearly half a million people in more than 1,500 customer organizations.


Konsta Matikainen

Head of Sales

Contact Konsta

+358 444 934 797

Ross Lantea


Contact Ross

+358 444 934 798

Jaakko Mikkola

Head of Customer Success Manager

Contact Jaakko

+358 444 937 759

Saarni Experience Oy

Our office is located in the OOPS Business Park in Leppävaara, Espoo. The entrance is through Lobby B.

Our street address is Hatsinanpuisto 8, 02600 Espoo (For navigation purposes, you can also use Perkkaanpuronkuja, Espoo).

General Support: info@saarniexperience.com
Data & Privacy Support: dpo@saarniexperience.com