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Lue kattava ja käytännönläheinen oppaamme henkilöstökyselyn tuloksien hyödyntämiseen yrityksessäsi.

Parempaa dataa strategian toimeenpanoon ja yrityskulttuurin kehittämiseen

Parempaa dataa strategian toimeenpanoon ja yrityskulttuurin kehittämiseen

Parempaa dataa strategian toimeenpanoon ja yrityskulttuurin kehittämiseen

Parempaa dataa strategian toimeenpanoon ja yrityskulttuurin kehittämiseen

Parempaa dataa strategian toimeenpanoon ja yrityskulttuurin kehittämiseen

Frequently asked questions

  • Most popular
  • Analytics
  • Access rights
  • Surveys
  • Integrations
  • Setup
  • Data processing
  • Pricing
  • Scalability
  • Support

Are the analytics and reports updated in real-time?

Is it possible to customize the survey content?

What channels are available for survey delivery?

Where is the data stored?

How do managers interact with and use the system?

How does the integration with our HR system work?

What does the multichannel functionality mean?

What is the system’s maintenance and update policy?

What types of user support are available?

Is the system customizable or configurable to meet the organization’s specific needs?

How does the system support multilingual functionality?

How does the system ensure compliance with data privacy and security requirements?

Is the system scalable to accommodate the organization’s growth?

What training and support services are provided during the system’s implementation and usage?

What is the implementation timeline and process for the system?

What are the costs of using Saarni EXP?

Are the analytics and reports updated in real-time?

How do managers interact with and use the system?

Is it possible to customize the survey content?

What channels are available for survey delivery?

What does the multichannel functionality mean?

How does the system support multilingual functionality?

How does the integration with our HR system work?

What training and support services are provided during the system’s implementation and usage?

What is the implementation timeline and process for the system?

Where is the data stored?

How does the system ensure compliance with data privacy and security requirements?

What are the costs of using Saarni EXP?

Is the system customizable or configurable to meet the organization’s specific needs?

Is the system scalable to accommodate the organization’s growth?

What is the system’s maintenance and update policy?

What types of user support are available?